Setting a Service Provider Configuration

You can customize configuration for specific device types managed at the Service Provider level using the following methods:

Using the Features button to apply extensively used features on specific phone models. For example, configure Automatic DST for Teams on C470HD phones.
Configuring individual parameters on specific phone models. For example, enable Android Debug Bridge (ADB) or SSH on Teams devices.
To set a Service Provider configuration:
1. Open the Service Provider Configuration page (Setup > Configuration > Service Provider Configuration).

2. From the Select Service Provider drop-down, choose the relevant service provider.
3. Click Actions & Features to perform global configuration for specific phone models.
Open the Features drop-down and then choose the relevant feature.



DST for IGS/S4B Day Light Savings for IGS/Skype for Business phones.
DST for Teams Day Light Savings for Microsoft Teams.
Pin Lock Personal Identification Number (PIN) to unlock your device.
CAP Profile A CAP (Common Area Phone) profile.
Open the Actions drop-down and then choose the relevant action.

Copy and save configuration to an external location.
Upload configuration files (Uploading CSV Configuration Files).
4. Click the Add Configuration Value button.

5. Configure the parameters using the table below as reference.



Configuration Set

Defines a group of parameters associated with a specific device model. From the drop-down, select the configuration set of the device to update/change at the Service Provider level.

Configuration Key

Enter the key for the parameter you want to change, for example, display/language. You can optionally later edit | delete your entry in the screen section below this parameter.

Configuration Value

Enter the value for the parameter you want to change, for example, en-US.

6. Under the ‘Service Provider Placeholders’ section, enter a ‘Filter’ to facilitate quickly locating an entry in the list, if necessary.
7. Do one of the following:
Add a New Placeholder:
i. Click the +Add New Placeholder button.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

ii. From the 'Name' drop-down, select the name of the new placeholder.
iii. In the 'Value' field, enter the value of the new placeholder.
iv. From the ‘Service Provider' dropdown, select a new Service Provider.
v. Click Save; the new placeholder is added to the page.
Copy placeholder from another Service Provider configuration:
i. Click the Copy Service Provider Placeholders From button.

ii. From the drop-down, choose the relevant provider and then click OK.